Beta Tester
Expectations & Agreement
Please read carefully before agreeing to the terms.
— Expectations —
Congratulations on being selected as a
Beta Tester for Equine Bodywork Online
By submitting this agreement, you agree to the following terms:
You will not disclose any information regarding Equine Bodywork Online without prior written permission directly from Kara O’Laughlin or Brice Van Baren until the Beta Program has ended and the program is live.
You agree to be an active participant and respond with constructive feedback to all questions asked, even if it’s simply to reply that no changes are needed.
You will review all content and then work on your horse to test the program as each section is released to the Beta Testing group.
You will not create, market, collaborate with others creating, or marketing any other online equine bodywork, massage, stretching, chiropractic, or equine exercise program for at least two years after Equine Bodywork Online has launched.
Once Equine Bodywork Online has launched to the public, you agree to promote it in a post at least once on your social media platform(s).
— Release of Liability —
I understand and acknowledge that there is an inherent risk, including injury, damage to property, or death, in any activity involving horses, due to their unpredictable behavior.
I understand and acknowledge that I may be asked to touch a horse in areas that are sore and may cause the horse to act out, including kicking, biting, bolting, pulling back, and other irrational behaviors.
I acknowledge that I understand equine behavior and am confident that I know how to read the signs that a horse may be disagreeable to being touched in certain areas. I know how to react appropriately in order to keep myself and my horse safe.
I agree to hold harmless Equine Bodywork Online in the case that my horse endures injury or death due to my participation in the Equine Bodywork Online program. I agree that my horse has no underlying conditions that may be contraindicative to participating in the Equine Bodywork Online Program, and I agree to consult my horse’s veterinarian prior to participation in this program if I have doubts that my horse should be in the program.